Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Head mälestused
Sellest pärastlõunast on eredalt meeles see absoluutse vabaduse tunne, mis mind valdas. Ma olen seal üksinda täiesti tundmatus kohas, kaartigi pole kaasas, ja ma lihtsalt lähen ja kõnnin kuhu iganes tahan, vaatan mida iganes tahan. Olen täiesti vaba kogema seda uut kohta minu enda viisil. Mäletan, et istusin mingi hetk ühte kohvikusse maha hommikust sööma. Taustaks mängis telekas mingi hispaaniakeelse muusika kanal. Sealt jäi mulle pähe kõlama Nelly Furtado "Manos Al Aire", mis sisult mitte kuidagi sellise iseseisvuse ja vabaduse emotsiooniga seotud pole... aga minu jaoks tuletab see meelde toda hommikupoolikut ja noid tundeid-mõtteid: maailm on mulle valla, ma olen vaba, ma saan kõigega hakkama.
Ilmselt mu Hispaanias-oleku ilusamaid hetki. :)
Muidugi nädalavahetus, mis sealt edasi läks, oli veel edasi üha tõusvas joones vägev. Aga sellest võib-olla mõni teine kord. Hetkel tahtsin just seda ühte emotsiooni edasi anda.
Monday, November 15, 2010
But coming to my own personal life...
Speaking of Diary of Dreams: here's an example of what I had in mind.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Five of Cups. Something lost, something remains. In the face of all my illusions going poof there is one old connection that's just growing stronger by the day. A beautiful friendship that I hope will last for long to come.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Smile and the world smiles at you. Maybe it's time to learn that smiling is okay regardless of whether the world replies in kind or not.
So a smile to all you beautiful people. :)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
tee mis on nii kaua
seisnud et seda juues jõuab
magama siis kui väljas juba
valgeks läheb
mu enda omad päris sellesse
kanguseklassi ei kuulu pigem
midagi värskelt vaaritatut
äkki paar minutit tõmmanud
ilmselt teist liiki puru ka
aga ikkagi sarnasemad kui
nendel suvetaeva ja merelaine
inimestel kes 58-ndal
laiuskraadil teevad meile
numbrites igati ära
nad vohavad nagu viburloomad
sogases lahesopis ja see on
tegelikult isegi hea sest nii
saame ka meie oma
dominantsete geenidega
vahelduseks erilised olla
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
science fiction
with its very essence brought the
thought of a brilliant star
traveling through space in your free
time watching worlds others have
created before you
electronics both uplifts and
imprisons you playing logic games for
work instead of sleeping
i still go to bed at night
dream up some cosmic
story lines myself
inception of a different kind
reality intermingled with wishful
thinking fantasies on a grandiose
scale including waterfalls and galaxies
and you
i wonder if you watch this too
Sunday, October 24, 2010
I'm too sexy for my class
Sleep on it and trust your feelings
Recently I needed to make a decision. It was a pretty complex one as decisions go: as a new member of a student organisation, I had to choose a mentor from among those more experienced. Now there's a fair number of people who had been around for a while. If seniority had been the main criterion for selection, I could have just looked at their joining dates and gone with the oldest. I wish. Obviously, experience with the organisation was important, but more than the number of semesters of membership it mattered what a person had done with that time. I wanted someone who'd been active enough to know the way things work really well. However if the person was overly busy, he/she would hardly have much time for me. Also, personal compatibility mattered. Where among the hundreds of potentially relevant variables would I start? Was a good sense of humour more or less important than a sense of responsibility? What about mutual interests? What about his/her attitude to euthanasia or gay marriage?
As you can imagine, I was getting pretty confused by this point. I'd had a chance to speak to most members of the organisation and I could see myself getting along with most of them. I tried to think of the most relevant criteria for judging compatibility, but one person would score higher on one and another on another. There was also one who I kept thinking about as my potential mentor, but there didn't really seem to be an obvious reason for choosing him.
Oh yes, those gut feelings. People must've wondered about the value of those for probably as long as rational thinking has been around. Should I go with the hunch or should I try to come to a good solid consciously made decision – or, in more simple words, listen to the heart or the head? Romantics and the spiritually minded folk have generally had faith in the former, those of a more rational inclination in the latter. After all, you don't do arithmetics or calculus with your heart, do you?
In case you had any doubt, psychologists have by now established quite firmly that it is in fact the brain that does the math – and the vast majority of other information processing that goes on in humans. Also, it's the conscious mind that weights the various attributes of various options, coming to a sound decision after some thorough deliberation. Being a volunteer counsellor on the website lahendus.net, I have repeatedly suggested that my clients do just that when they've had a difficult decision to make. Get a pen and a sheet of paper, write down the options, write down the positives and negatives of each, consider the relative importance of the various points, choose the best one.
Cause you can figure out the criteria that matter. Right? Even when there's a lot of information to be considered. Especially then. I mean, when you've got a complex decision to make, your conscious mind can definitely do a better job than your unconscious. Right? Right?
Wrong. At least that's what Ap Dijksterhuis and his colleagues would tell you – with plenty of experimental data to prove their point. (Bos et al, 2008; Dijksterhuis et al, 2006; Dikjsterhuis et al, 2009; Dijksterhuis & Aarts, 2010; Dijksterhuis & Nordgren, 2006; Dijksterhuis & Olden, 2006; Strick et al, 2010) What they're saying is that with complex decisions, conscious deliberation doens't help at all. In fact, it can actually hurt you.
That's what 113 University of Amsterdam undergraduates experienced first hand. Dijksterhuis and Olden (2006) sat them each in a separate cubicle with a computer and showed them five different digital art posters. Some of the students were then immediately asked to choose their favourite. Another group was asked to think hard about which one they like the most and why. They were given a total of seven and a half minutes to do this and shown the posters again, each for a minute and a half. Only after that did they have to make a decision. Yet others were asked to spend those 7,5 minutes solving anagrams – and select their favourite after that. Also, all the participants were asked to rate each picture according to how much they'd liked it. Once they'd done that, they were told they could take the poster they'd chosen home with them. A few weeks later, they were called and asked how satisfied they were with their choice. (Dijksterhuis & Olden, 2006)
The results? One would expect 450 seconds of conscious contemplating to do some good. After all, the lucky bunch got to spend 90 seconds of quality time with each poster: examine it, think about their preferences, compare the picture to those preferences, and so on. Surely they have an advantage over the other two groups?
As you can already guess by now, that's not exactly what happened. The actual results showed no difference between the group that spent 450 seconds thinking about the relative merits of the posters and the one that had to choose immediately. All that deliberation, all that weighing of the pros and cons didn't lead to a better decision than simply going with the first impression. (Dijksterhuis & Olden, 2006)
On the other hand, satisfaction was significantly higher for the group that spent their seven and a half minutes solving anagrams. Yes, that's right, spending time on a completely irrelevant task made their eventual choices better than those of the other groups. The key point was that before tackling those word problems they were told they'd be asked about their poster preferences later. They knew they had to choose one (Dijksterhuis & Olden, 2006). As Bos et al (2008) have later shown, that was the bit that made the difference.
You see, our conscious processing abilities are terribly limited. As George Miller pointed out in his classic article, the magical number is seven items, plus or minus two (Miller, 1956). But what if you have dozens of criteria to take into consideration? You're out of luck: you can only be aware of so many things at a time. Inevitably, you settle for comparing a few aspects that you think matter most – or simply happen to remember best. As far as you're concerned, the rest of the information simply goes down the drain.
However, that's just the conscious mind we're talking about. Dijksterhuis and Nordgren (2006) point out that those infamous processing limitations do not apply to the unconscious. We can deal with large amounts of data – group little bits of info into meaningful clusters, distinguish overall good options from overall bad ones, form impressions, make decisions – without ever becoming aware of it. Until, of course, the processing has been completed and the result pops into our mind as that all- familiar gut feeling. You only need to set your mind working on a choice to be made.
Of course, one could argue that art doesn't belong in the domain of pragmaticism and logic, any way. Rational conscious thinking might not help with choosing a favourite picture, but that might be as far as it goes. And of course, Dijksterhuis and colleagues didn't stop at that one experiment. They had subjects choose between cars and various supermarket products (Dijksterhuis et al, 2006), apartments (Dijksterhuis & Nordgren, 2006) more cars and potential roommates (Bos et al, 2008), and even predict soccer matches (Dijksterhuis et al, 2009). No matter where they turned, they just kept getting the same results.
They did find that unconscious thought (as they call the phenomenon) has its limitations. It definitely doesn't do our math for us. In general, decisions with relatively few criteria to consider and ones that need high precision are best made consciously (Dijksterhuis & Nordgren, 2006). Payne et al (2008) have added that unconscious processing has quite limited sensitivity to magnitudes.
Still, even with limitations, UTT (Unconscious Thought Theory) is pretty controversial material. You can't expect a few researchers to throw this bomb of a news on the scientific community and not be received with some skepticism. Lassiter et al (2009) and Waroquier et al (2010) did their own experiments and suggested that the data could be explained more parsimoniously by the distinction between on-line and memory-based judgment. According to them, the „unconscious thought“ subjects simply made their mind up already while acquiring information.
Stringer et al (2010) have already replied with an article explaining how according to their latest data there's definitely some unconscious thought going on. The choices made by people after a period of distraction are in fact considerably different from those made immediately after information is presented. However, while they're gathering the facts, people do need be aware it's for making a choice eventually. The initial process of acquiring and encoding information has to be conscious – and the information needs to be sufficient for making a good decision. (Dijksterhuis & Nordgren, 2006)
The debate is likely to continue for some time and more research needs to be done before anyone can say much with full confidence. As we stand, though, we're definitely seeing one of our basic assumptions about decision making called into question. Even the critics of UTT are not claiming conscious thought to be necessarily superior – they're just saying its problem is limited memory rather than anything else.
After a few weeks of unsuccessfully trying to choose my mentor the good old comparing-the-pros-and-cons-consciously way I could definitely see that wasn't working.
So what do the proponents of UTT have for us as a solution?
Apparently, not throwing away that pros-and-cons list. In fact, they say deliberate information-gathering is an integral part of the way to good decisions. The initial steps are exactly the same we've come to expect: try to find out as much about the options as possible, set yourself the goal to choose the best one. Once you've done that, however, take your mind off the issue and go do something else for a while. Eventually, you're going to get a hunch you want to go for a certain option. That's your unconscious saying it's now finished working, please receive your requested results here. (Dijksterhuis & Nordgren, 2006)
Sounds a bit strange? Then again, remember the well-known saying how mathematicians get their best ideas in the three B's: bed, bath, and bus. Archimedes is a well-known example of the ideas-in-bath instance – probably because he then proceeded to run around naked on the streets of Syracuse shouting „Eureka“. My flatmate who's a computer scientist also believes in the inspiring effect of soaking in warm water (so far, no public nudity included). Watson saw the structure of the DNA in a dream.
Might the little voice whispering „choose that guy as your mentor“ be correct after all? Having acquainted myself with the latest research on UTT, I decided I might as well listen to it. With my conscious mind seriously struggling to reach any sort of conclusion, the idea seemed reasonable enough. So that's what I did. I don't yet know all the long-term implications of this choice – just like I don't know what the truth is in the matter of unconscious thought. I do know, however, that Dijksterhuis and colleagues have lifted gut feelings out of the realm of the mystical and into serious science. Where their research will lead, remains to be seen.
Bos, M.W., Dijksterhuis, A., van Baaren, R. B. (2008) On the goal-dependency of unconscious thought. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 1114-1120
Dijksterhuis, A., Aarts, H. (2010) Goals, Attention, and (Un)Consciousness. Annual Review of Psychology, 61, 467-490
Dijksterhuis, A., Bos, M.W., Nordgren L.F., van Baaren, R. B. (2006) On Making the Right Choice: The Deliberation-Without-Attention Effect. Science, 311, 1005-1007
Dijksterhuis, A., Bos, M.W., van der Leij, A., van Baaren, R.B. (2009) Predicting Soccer Matches After Unconscious and Conscious Thought as a Function of Expertise. Psychological Science, 20, 1381-1387
Dijksterhuis, A., Nordgren, L.F. (2006) A Theory of Unconscious Thought. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 1, 95-109
Dijksterhuis, A., van Olden, Z. (2006) On the benefits of thinking unconsciously: Unconscious thought can increase post- choice satisfaction. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 42, 627-631
Lassiter, G.D., Lindberg, M.J., Gonzales-Vallejo, C., Bellezza, F.S., Phillips, N.D. (2009) The Deliberation-Without Attention Effect: Evidence for an Artifactual Interpretation. Psychological Science, 20, 671-675
Miller, G. (1956) The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity of processing information. The Psychological Review, 63(2), 81-97
Payne, J.W., Samper, A., Bettman, J.R., Luce, M.F. (2008) Boundary Conditions on Unconscious Thought in Complex Decision Making. Psychological Science, 19, 1118-1123
Strick, M., Dijksterhuis, A., van Baaren, R.B. (2010) Unconscious-Thought Effects Take Place Off-Line, Not On-Line. Psychological Science, 21, 484-488
Waroquier, L., Marchiori, D., Klein, O., Cleeremans, A. (2010) Is It Better to Think Unconsciously or to Trust Your First Impression? A Reassessment of Unconscious Thought Theory. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1, 111-118
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Saturn - a close encounter
Leaving behind everything that doesn't stand the test. Of all the things that could've been the ones to go, I'd never have guessed the ones that did. The ideas and relationships I thought were closest to my core, my inspiration. I suppose I'm growing up and all that.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Kindel maa
Monday, October 4, 2010
Going poetic again
girl whose presence you appreciated as
a silent thing in the back of your
mind watching you try to
be a gentleman
with all others you were good enough
subject to failings just like all human
beings in the early 21-st century
caveman dna still running the show
unmodified by anything other than
soft layers of culture
but with her you distilled the essence of
what made you different from the fleshy
breed of refrigerator-men at work lifting
weights later going to the pub drinking
fighting catching a chick or two for the
night going strong since the cro-magnons
in the imaginary world built on the
synapses between your brain cells you were
civilised with ease talked well danced like a
prince during spring ball smiled listened
opened doors made little gestures of attention
you liked having long conversations with her
then moving on to touch and taste
her locks vaguely reminiscent of your favourite
spice her scent filling your pleasure centres while
others watched you grinning through your closed
eyes then went on minding their own business
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Ah well, who needs to be calm and focused anyway when one is young and wants to live.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
First swirlings
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Aitäh. :)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Talking about tales again
All the while it's so hard to see where my own story is going. A new start in a familiar world - similar to the one I remember from a year ago, but not quite the same. Not really sure if I should be thinking of this as a start or a continuation. Places I know, people I know... but the thread got lost a year ago. The overall thread. I thought I could come back to it, to make something new and beautiful grow further from two individual threads, but it turned out my lifelong friend wasn't one and my revered ideal wasn't one, either. Maybe it was just the nature of the period to find everything a dead end. I don't know. Maybe I'm not supposed to know what my True Destiny is or if there is such a thing. Just trying to figure it out, trying to understand what is truly meaningful about my life. My conclusion so far: assumptions based on your life thus far may tell you little about what is yet to come. Especially when you're still young and everything around you is in flux.
I mean, everything may have happened the only way it could've happened. Inevitable. Everybody doing the best they can. And you know what, it doesn't matter. I feel angry and disappointed. ...and even now I suspect I'm feeling that simply because it's something clear and passionate, a string of the old story that hasn't quite died yet. I go over the old songs, blogs, emotions because at least there's the familiar nostalgia. Memories of the pieces of the past I had to let go. Maybe not even permanently, but it will never be the same again. Two bubbles broken and vanished into air. I suppose the fantasy of the human ideal couldn't have stood the test of real life. But the friendship one could've. Should've. But then again, it should've been more than a bubble. And thing is, I'm anxious to move on. I guess there just hasn't been much of a storyline since then. A gray area between the old and the new. Immersing myself in the stories of others.
Oh well. I have earthy friends, real friends rather than phantasms of air and fire I've concocted to project my ideals. Something to appreciate.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
New start
Freedom, closure, transition. I suppose I'm just a bit nostalgic. It's sad when something beautiful has ended, even when you know it's for the best. When there are things that remind you how you dreamed it to be. Memories of emotions you once felt.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Books read Sep 2009 - Aug 2010
- C.S. Lewis "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
- Umberto Eco "Foucault's Pendulum"
- C.S. Lewis "The Narnia Chronicles: The Magician's Nephew"
- Katie MacAlister "A Girl's Guide to Vampires"
- Edward Lucas "Uus külm sõda"
- Edward de Bono "Practical Thinking"
- Stephenie Meyer "Eclipse"
- Stephenie Meyer "New Moon"
- Stephenie Meyer "Twilight"
- Martin Kala "Uued mütoloogiad"
- Dan Ariely "Predictably Irrational"
- R.J. Fallon "Is Richard Dawkins the New Messiah?"
- Иван Тургенев „Накануне“
- Craig Harbison "Renessansskunst põhja pool Alpe"
- Иван Тургенев „Дворянское гнездо“
- Malcolm Gladwell "Outliers"
- Иван Тургенев „Рудин“
- Richard Wiseman "59 seconds"
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi "Flow"
- Julio Cortazar "Todos los fuegos el fuego"
- Evan Imber-Black, Janine Roberts "Rituals for our Times"
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi "Finding Flow"
- Michael Jacoby Brown "Building Powerful Community Organizations"
- Susan Hendrick, Clyde Hendrick "Liking, Loving & Relating"
- Patti Feuerstein "Invisible Girls"
- George A. Fraser "The Dilemma of Ritual Abuse"
- Barry L. Duncan, Joseph W. Rock "Overcoming Relationship Impasses"
- Mary Stewart "The Hollow Hills"
- Robert J. Sternberg "Love is a Story"
- David Fontana "Aprender meditación zen"
- Pedro Menchén "Una playa muy lejana"
- Vicente Ortiz "Hipnoterapia"
- Alfredo Diez "El lider interior"
- James M. Jaranson, Michael K. Popkin "Caring for Victims of Torture"
- Agustin San Jaime "Primeros auxilios"
- Laura L. Smith & Charles H. Elliott "Depresión para dummies"
- Ingemar Svantesson "Mapas de aprendizaje y técnicas de memorización"
- James Redfield "The Secret of Shambhala"
- James Redfield "The Celestine Vision"
- Michael Newton "Life Between Lives"
- Kate Distin "Gifted Children"
- N.J. Mackintosh "IQ and Human Intelligence"
- F.E. Halliday "A Concise History of England"
- "Comer sano para vivir mejor"
- Dan Brown "Angels and Demons"
- Mary Stewart "The Crystal Cave"
- "Décadas de moda"
- Ray Sahelian, Victoria Dolby Toews "Gripe y resfriados: cómo prevenirlos y curarlos"
- Julia Glass "Three Junes"
- "The Poetry Anthology 1912-2002"
- Harriet Worsley "De Blanco"
- Sophie Milenovich "Kimonos"
- "111 secretos sobre la historia de la masoneria"
- Dion Fortune "Through the Gates of Death"
- Dion Fortune "Los Ordenes esotericos y su trabajo"
- Albert Ellis, Catherine MacLaren "Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: A Therapist's Guide"
- Dion Fortune "Amor y sexo segun el ocultismo"
- Brian Weiss "Muchas vidas, muchos maestros"
- Christopher Jacq "La masoneria"
Friday, August 27, 2010
Digging through the Earth element
There are things one can potentially change or achieve - there, too, a lot depends on what one is given from birth, talents and personality and the like. But other places one can go to only if one is born on the right side of the border. There are things I can never be in this lifetime. Of course it doesn't really matter when seen from a broader perspective. Then again, the broader perspective has rarely been favourable for mankind as a whole.
The choices being a second-rate citizen or a speck of dust... in either case evanescent, limited, insignificant. No, I like my fantasies better. There I can be anyone I want.
I guess maybe I'm not so different from J. after all. Perhaps in this one sense he has been more honest to the world than me.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Foucault's Pendulum
Now, I'm sure his fellow scholars of semiotics and the like may find the whole thing delightful. I do have to say it's brilliant every step of the way as far as the pure complexity of the story is concerned. But how something like that could become an international bestseller is beyond me. Unless reading Eco has really become an intellectual status symbol to that extent. Then again, I suppose that's exactly the case.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Misty dreamworlds
Sound 2
Creating little personal realities of colour and sound and shape and texture. Borderline physical/imaginary.
Fantasies of Steppenwolf. Don't know if there's a Demian any more. Don't know about finding, about seeking. I believe in moments now - moods, impressions. Somewhere on that ethereal level, my dreams live on.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Yesod/ Reality-illusion

The human mind can understand value only in relative terms. How can we stop comparing our lives to those of others any way? And the insidious double effect of the stories we read/see: the more marvellous the fantasy world to drown yourself into for a few hours, the more limited and dull real life appears when you return to it again. While depressing tales can end up making you appreciate more the luck you've had.
Really. Who are these people who believe we could ever perceive some kind of absolute truth?
Today I got both. Marvellous tales of fantasy and depressing tales of real life. Not my own life, last week has been great. I was actually going to write about how I have so much to be thankful for etc, but then I thought I might as well indulge in watching a bit of fiction. Perhaps I would've been better off choosing something else. Does reality even stand a chance compared to all the wonders that the mind can conjure?
And yet such mythical tales, mystical moments need not be entirely illusory. I think for the first time since childhood I'm starting to understand the need to act the stories rather than simply read/watch/imagine them. Only it's not so much the acting as the experiencing. Just like when I was a child and played I was somebody else, what mattered was not so much an observable change in my behaviour as the shift inside to a different kind of personality through which to perceive the world. I think I'm a bit more aware of the relativity of reality again. Only strongly physical experiences like death, illness, pain - the very basic limitations of our nature - seem too strong to leave room for interpretation.
Maybe I've managed to set my feet on the ground solidly enough to allow for some fairy dust again now.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Beauty and the Beast
Was thinking earlier about the power of beauty. Traditionally seen as something ennobling human nature. One of the cornerstones of what we might call civilisation. Also considered to be primarily a domain of women.
As I'm far too sleepy to say much more, I'll just give you a link to the old classic tale that illustrates my thoughts. With just a little side note that Jung mentioned the story as a symbol of a girl's journey to adulthood in one of his books. I'm not entirely sure how that works out... but there is something archetypal about it, isn't there.
Also, for the Greeks, Aphrodite wasn't one, but two: Urania the heavenly and Pandemos the earthly one. Looks like I'm not the only one to find a connection between aesthetic and spiritual experiences.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Hannese blogist - vastupandamatu test
You are The Magician
Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.
Eleoquent and charismatic both verbally and in writing,
you are clever, witty, inventive and persuasive.
The Magician is the male power of creation, creation by willpower and desire. In that ancient sense, it is the ability to make things so just by speaking them aloud. Reflecting this is the fact that the Magician is represented by Mercury. He represents the gift of tongues, a smooth talker, a salesman. Also clever with the slight of hand and a medicine man - either a real doctor or someone trying to sell you snake oil.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Head jaanipäeva!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tegelikult ma tahan, et 19. juuni õhtu kestaks ikka veel. Jah. Suured ja elulised küsimused lähevad minust mööda, mis siis, et praegu just "see õige aeg" nende lahendamiseks justkui olema peaks. Ma tahan lihtsalt tantsida nõrkemiseni ja seda läbinisti nautida. Vahelduseks niimoodi, et keegi teine peale minu ka veel samas ruumis on.
The picture says it all
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Kogukondade kokkutulek
Õnnelikud päevad. Rahutud, aga õnnelikud. Sain natuke oma igatsetud Eesti kevadet. Tulevik on jälle lahti, elu on helge ja kusagil seal Maarjamaa eri nurkades on need inimesed, tänu kellele see nädalavahetus võimalikuks sai. Kindlat ei ole midagi ja uut suunda pole ikka leidnud, aga hetkel tundub see nõnda isegi okei. Hetkel piisab mulle teadmisest, kui palju on veel Eestis ilusat, mida avastada. Teadmisest, et mingid teed on jälle lahti ja et ma olen teretulnud.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
King of Swords reversed
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Kevad on läbi
Puurikotkad ja kotkapojad ja varblased katusel ja peos.
Ees on suvi. Ees on õhkutõusmine paratamatult iseenda jõududega. Kuigi tegelikult on see vist pigem kuidagimoodi väga pikaks venimine, sest jalad võiksid jääda maha, lihtsalt pea tõusta pilvedesse ja silmad veel kõrgemale, et näha tähti. Ma ei tea, mida tahta, mille poole püüelda. Vähemalt on hetkel sellise mitteteadmise jaoks hea aeg.
Üks neid nädalaid, kus taas kord tuleb meelde, kuidas elu on üks narratiiv. Sissejuhatus, pingearendus, sündmuste jada, kulminatsioon, pööre, lahendus. Suuremas ja väiksemas mastaabis. Vahel on hetki, kus tajub selgelt, et järgmine valik määrab edasise loo kulgemise - et võimalikud tulevased reaalsused hargnevad sel hetkel... ainult muidugi juttu võib juba olla sisse kirjutatud selle loogiline jätk. Nagu ütlevad õnne, kahetsust jms uurivad psühholoogid: parem öelda võimalustele jah, sest tegemise vead painavad üldiselt vähem kui tegematajätmise vead.
Värve igatahes jätkub. Tallinn on näiteks roheline. Pärast Hispaaniat ei tundu ausalt öeldes enam tõsiseltvõetava linnana koht, kus poole tee selle ühest otsast keskossa annab kõndida läbi metsa. Kahtlustan, et Eesti pealinnas on rohkem puid kui mõnede Lääne-Euroopa riikide keskmises metsas. Samas ega ma ei kurda. :) Mul võib olla ühte koma teist, mille suhtes ma hetkel just ideaalset rahuolu ei tunne, kuid kohalik floora ei kuulu sellesse nimekirja.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The old eagle story
Friday, June 11, 2010
Tänuavaldused ja päike läbi pilvede
Eile Tartusse jõudes oli südantsoojendav näha Taliesinit, Kunni ja Indrekut mul kohe bussijaamas vastas olemas ja tervitamas. Nii hea on teada, et olen ikkagi oodatud, et lähen inimestele korda ka pärast üheksakuist lahusolekut. Teine tänu: sõpradele, kes ellu rõõmu toovad.
Öeldakse, et hommik on targem kui õhtu. Vahel piisab ka ööst, kui selle käigus lisandub kõrvaltvaataja perspektiiv ja mõned uued/ammuunustatud vanad äratundmised. Kolmas tänu: Margus, kes oma uneaja arvelt tõi mind ühelt poolt rohkem maa peale ja teiselt poolt vabastas mu tiivad.
Võib-olla ma siiski suudan taevasse lennata. :)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Jälle nädalaks rändama
Igatahes neljapäev-reede Tartus, laupäev-pühapäev Arbaveres, esmaspäev-kolmapäev Tallinnas. Plaanid on paigas osaliselt, aga mitte täielikult, nii et kui keegi nimetatud asukohtades nimetatud päevadel minuga kokku saada tahaks, siis olete teretulnud ühendust võtma.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hmm. Maybe I just need there to be something somewhere out there for me. So that no matter where I'm at with life, I can look at that and know there's still room for more. That at no point I've exhausted all my possibilities.
...and here I am again, trying to explain it away for the imagined "rational" audience. Why do I even care? My mind just happens to work a bit differently, I just happen to find some things important.
Right. Whatever. Clearly time to go to sleep.
Tinditoonis mõtteid
Ameerika mäed jätkuvad. Ühelt poolt nii palju potentsiaali, teiselt poolt ei saa milleski kindel olla. Pärnus tundub kogu see muu elu ja inimeste maailm unenäo moodi. Ootused on kõrged ja seda kõvem tuleb ilmselt kukkumine, kui reaalsusega jälle kokku puutuda. Mõnes osas juba tuleb, kuigi kaudselt.
Dagö - Välismaa ...kodumaalt, tuleme siis muusikaski Eestisse.
Csikszentmihalyi soovitab teha midagi loovat, kui sisemist entroopiat liialt saab. Kuna niikuinii ei ole mul midagi uut ega mõttekat öelda, siis panen lõpetuseks tänase soperdise.
tumesinine tunne tuli jälle
tagasi ja võõpas mind üksiku
järve värviliseks
kuskil on meri mis peegeldab
päikest selle lainetes mängivad
lapsed ja turistid
siin tõmbub taevas pilve vastu
lähenevat ööd
Monday, June 7, 2010
Sentimentaalsuse nimel
zen-hetkes kajab too
bollywoodi hitt mille
muusikaline toiteväärtus
ulatub umbes suhkurdatud
närimiskummi tasemele
minu soolestikus amokklendu
sooritavale liblikate parvele see
sobib nii et käivitan
youtube'i panen silmad
kinni ja
kujutlen et maitseb
nagu avokaado
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Nii ilmselge
Saturday, June 5, 2010
toon heledamaid päikese moodi ringidega
kardinaid vaadates ja nõuab enda
mustvalgeks jäädvustamist
eesti ja inglise ja südame keeles
tuleb välja et read sipelgasodi
helendaval pinnal on parim mida
talle pakkuda võin
Anyway, here goes... the four psychological functions of Jung correspond to the Sephiroth as follows:
Sensation - Malkuth
Thinking - Hod
Feeling - Netzach
Intuition - Tiphareth
Which, of course, leaves Yesod in between. I could actually attibute both sensation and intuition to it, depending on whether it's compared to Malkuth or Tiphareth. At the same time, I would not replace Tiphareth with Kether as the Sephirah that corresponds to the intuitive function. It's only the bottom half of the Tree where the functions really fit quite naturally - to my eyes any way.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Või siiski
Head ended.
Aitäh. :)
Kevad on läbi saamas. Täna paistis terve päev päike ja temperatuur ulatus üle +30. Mulle meeldib kevad, selle rahutus ja pulbitsemine. Eestis äkki veel kestab. Kuigi suvi võib ka tore olla. Lihtsalt tänavuses kevades oli ühte-teist, mis tagasi kodumaa suunas tõmbas. Tahaks vähemalt tagasi jõuda enne aastaaegade lõplikku vahetumist.
Sõnakordused. Nojah, uni peal juba. Imelik mõelda ikkagi, et juba homme algab reis tagasi. Pole justkui päriselt kohale jõudnud. Hea kaks nädalat küll aina valmistunud, asju pakkinud jne, aga ikkagi tundub see hetk kuskil kaugemal ähmases tulevikus. Samas tulevik ongi ähmane, ainult paar üksikut kindlamat punkti hetkel teada. Paar üksikut punkti ja suur hulk kevadisi unistusi. Fantastilised ja üldjoonelised nagu nad on.
Võib-olla ei peagi elus tingimata sajaprotsendilise selguse ja kindluseni jõudma. Mis siis, et ma ei tea, "kes ma olen" või mida ma kümne või kahekümne aasta pärast teen või kes on mu "tõelised" hingesugulased või mis on mu roll inimkonna tuleviku loomisel. Mis siis, et ma ei tea isegi märksa tagasihoidlikumate küsimuste vastuseid - kui need vastused on nagu tuul, ei siin ega seal, aega nende väljaselgitamiseks peatada on mõttetu. Mõtlen ikka, et mingi hetk saan nüüd valmis, kaardistan ära oma väärtused ja isiksuse ja suhtlemismustrid ja tea mis veel. Teen nende tulemustega veel seda, teist ja kolmandat. Et siis saab edasi liikuda juba "suuremate sihtide" poole. Ainult et inimene vist ei saagi päriselt valmis, mitte rohkemal määral kui elu ise. Keskenduda protsessile, mitte eesmärgile.
Dagö - Hiired Tuules. Eesti tunne, kõige paremas tähenduses. Kodutunne, hubane ja soe. Inimesed. Olemine. Tänu.
Vist suht sobiv koht lõpetamiseks. Tänades siinset selle pakutud kogemuste eest ja saabuvat võimaluste eest, mis ehk siiski kohati ka tõeluseks saavad. Peatse taaskohtumiseni!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Teadagi on päris palju seda, millega ma Tartu süsteemi puhul rahul ei ole - aga kui see pidi nüüd näide olema sellest, kuidas mujal maailmas on asjad paremini, siis Salamanca on selles osas olnud ikka eepiline feil. (Väide, mis on hetkel küll toonitatud tugevalt frustratsioonist teemal mis mõttes sellised tulemused, aga mul oleks ka muidu ühte koma teist öelda.)
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Leidsin täna netist, autorit ei tea viidata. Mõte on päevakohane ilmselt rohkem kui ühte pidi.
Kõrvalt vaadates
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Coming back
At the same time I'm also realising (once again) that holding on to something simply because it's been there for a while isn't really what I want to do. I can appreciate old connections and familiar surroundings, but just because something has been part of my life for years doesn't mean it needs to have a prominent part for that sole reason. ...Hmm... I just realised that is true on more levels than one (but that is food for thought for another night). For now, I know that there is flow with some people and not so much with others. And if the flow connections are there, it makes sense to focus on them rather than those where growth isn't happening.
So hopefully the coming months will find me releasing what needs to be released, opening space to explore the new, and appreciating what has stood the test of time. Continuity and change. It is exciting to be in a place of my life where I can be so aware of both! I think that can be quite rightfully considered a befriending of Saturn and Uranus. :)
Of course from the side it's also easier to see the opportunities and ignore the difficulties. Everything might turn out to be not nearly as rosy as I see it now. Then again, it's spring - more than that, it's May! For me, a time of the three R-s: restlessness, romance, renewal. Which sounds horribly cliché, but what can I say, my mind and body seem to live quite in tune with the seasons. So anyway, why not add a fourth R of rose-coloured glasses - in the midst of all the excitement and emotional turmoil of things, it might just be the icing on the cake. :)
Net miracle/irony
Monday, May 24, 2010
A bit poetic after all
meet our new challenges. your back
towards me, heading off in the distance.
sunshine spreading gold over the grass.
the world is round so one day we will
meet again or at least reach a point from
which it's only possible to get back closer,
right? but still I'll try to climb whatever
rainbows on my way because they look a bit like
memories of you.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Kotkad, varblased ja Doctor Who
Kuna midagi uut öelda pole mõtet, siis kordan lihtsalt vana. Siin. Ja siin. Ja siin. Jnejnejne. Pimestav kirkus.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Eesti inimesed
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Spanish kids
Monday, April 26, 2010
The usual April
And now it's spring with all its usual restlessness and little surprises and life beginning to flow. Every year it's different, but still there's a connecting thread running through the springs - 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007,... it's a spiral, every year you end up in the same place, only it's not really the same, you go through the same phases again and again and again, and it's always the same and it's never the same.
I feel the doors opening more fully and a fresh breeze bringing smells of summer, rain and sunshine, Estonia. It's strange to find myself missing the place I wanted to get away from nearly all my life. Perhaps not so much for the place as for the people - and that's the really bizarre part, because until quite recently I didn't even believe I could find anyone there who I could relate to on a deeper level. Or well, with a few rare exceptions, but... ah yes, of course. The exception. Maybe I'm just generalising my looking forward to a few meetings to the entire country at the moment. And then again, I suspect that for most of us, the presence or absence of a few special people in a place matters more than what the rest of the population does. As long as the rest of the population doesn't do something like genocide with us being in the "wrong" ethnic group, of course. (In which case I suspect it'd make sense to get those special people and make a quick change of location while the crowd hasn't quite got too close with the torches.)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Laupäevahommikused mõtted
Minnes nüüd hingetoidu juurest kehatoidu juurde, Hispaania üldised elamiskulud on küll märksa kõrgemad kui Eestis, kuid:
- Eesti kontsentraadi põhjal tehtud mahl maksab sama palju kui Hispaanias otse apelsinidest/mandariinidest/vms tehtud
- Hispaania kontsentraadi põhjal tehtud mahl maksab umbes sama palju kui Eestis mingid nektarid ja mahlajoogid
- Hispaania nektarid jne maksavad veel vähem
Muide, pudelivesi maksab siin ka vähem kui Eestis, vähemalt mitmeliitriste pudelite puhul. (Pärnu on ainuke linn, mille kraanivesi mulle piisavalt neutraalse maitsega tundub, et seda suuremates kogustes jooma nõus olen.)