Saturday, September 18, 2010


Vaatan, kuidas kaselehed pudenevad, tuul kannab neid natuke aega ja siis nad laskuvad maha. Taevas on pilved. Sees on vaikne, maavärvi seinad ja puidust uks ja aknalaud ja mööbel ja rahu. Ulrich Schnaussi muusika kannab mind nagu tuul lehti, kui ma silmad kinni panen, siis olen ära. Aga kui ma jälle ümberringi vaatan, siis see ongi juba täiuslik, sest need helid ja see pilt sobivad täiuslikult kokku. Sügis ja heaolu peatumises, endaga hetkes viibimises. Ilus on. Justkui maailm olekski selline, ilus ja rahulik ja täis mingit salajast võlu. Puude ja pilvkatte tagant jõuavad päikesekiired hetkeks mu näoni. Naeratan.

Aitäh. :)
Something shifted tonight. Something has begun to move. I don't know where yet, but I know I had a choice to make and I made the right one. A simple, small everyday choice. Just a "yes". Maybe a "yes" is what makes the difference.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Talking about tales again

I've been reading these books about people and their lives, and it makes me aware of how the stories of life around me are no less interesting than the fictional ones. Stories of goodness, of love and high ideals. Of sorrow and loneliness, betrayal and alienation. Of growth and hope, of difficulties and a spirit strong enough to live through it all and see a light far ahead somewhere. Small everyday magic. Eventual happiness for at least some, I hope. I hope I can be a positive character in the stories of my friends. Watching the events unfold, trying to be there at the right time in the right way. Not always sure what is right. Not always up to doing the best possible thing even when I do have a clue what it is. But I would like to think doing the best possible thing I can at each particular moment. All that any of us can do really. I read these books about how people hurt each other so much and it's a thing to be thankful for that at least for the moment I am free from all that. I'm in this little corner of time and space where people are nice to each other, where there is caring and mutual support, where it's quiet in a good way - peaceful and calm. Where there is friendship that is worth so much. I don't know where the story will go from here, but right now I'm just glad and thankful for this.

All the while it's so hard to see where my own story is going. A new start in a familiar world - similar to the one I remember from a year ago, but not quite the same. Not really sure if I should be thinking of this as a start or a continuation. Places I know, people I know... but the thread got lost a year ago. The overall thread. I thought I could come back to it, to make something new and beautiful grow further from two individual threads, but it turned out my lifelong friend wasn't one and my revered ideal wasn't one, either. Maybe it was just the nature of the period to find everything a dead end. I don't know. Maybe I'm not supposed to know what my True Destiny is or if there is such a thing. Just trying to figure it out, trying to understand what is truly meaningful about my life. My conclusion so far: assumptions based on your life thus far may tell you little about what is yet to come. Especially when you're still young and everything around you is in flux.

I mean, everything may have happened the only way it could've happened. Inevitable. Everybody doing the best they can. And you know what, it doesn't matter. I feel angry and disappointed. ...and even now I suspect I'm feeling that simply because it's something clear and passionate, a string of the old story that hasn't quite died yet. I go over the old songs, blogs, emotions because at least there's the familiar nostalgia. Memories of the pieces of the past I had to let go. Maybe not even permanently, but it will never be the same again. Two bubbles broken and vanished into air. I suppose the fantasy of the human ideal couldn't have stood the test of real life. But the friendship one could've. Should've. But then again, it should've been more than a bubble. And thing is, I'm anxious to move on. I guess there just hasn't been much of a storyline since then. A gray area between the old and the new. Immersing myself in the stories of others.

Oh well. I have earthy friends, real friends rather than phantasms of air and fire I've concocted to project my ideals. Something to appreciate.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Maybe some things are possible. Even when there's an abyss separating two worlds, sometimes you can build bridges. Just a little fragile fledgling connection, a thread running from one side to the other. A call that you send out into the unknown, hopeful yet aware it might get lost or worse - and then you hear a reply.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New start

Well, kind of old new - a lot of familiar pieces, but put together in a different manner. Some of what used to be central relegated to periphery, other previously distant elements showing potential to become primary. Little of it definite for now. But promising - I hope. With the image of my airy demigod dissolved, I don't know what to look for in the clouds any more. But I suppose believing in him carried me to a place where I could stand on my own feet. Just like the first time.

Freedom, closure, transition. I suppose I'm just a bit nostalgic. It's sad when something beautiful has ended, even when you know it's for the best. When there are things that remind you how you dreamed it to be. Memories of emotions you once felt.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Books read Sep 2009 - Aug 2010

Martin Lindstrom "Buy-ology"
  • C.S. Lewis "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
  • Umberto Eco "Foucault's Pendulum"
  • C.S. Lewis "The Narnia Chronicles: The Magician's Nephew"
  • Katie MacAlister "A Girl's Guide to Vampires"
  • Edward Lucas "Uus külm sõda"
  • Edward de Bono "Practical Thinking"
  • Stephenie Meyer "Eclipse"
  • Stephenie Meyer "New Moon"
  • Stephenie Meyer "Twilight"
  • Martin Kala "Uued mütoloogiad"
  • Dan Ariely "Predictably Irrational"
  • R.J. Fallon "Is Richard Dawkins the New Messiah?"
  • Иван Тургенев „Накануне“
  • Craig Harbison "Renessansskunst põhja pool Alpe"
  • Иван Тургенев „Дворянское гнездо“
  • Malcolm Gladwell "Outliers"
  • Иван Тургенев „Рудин“
  • Richard Wiseman "59 seconds"
  • Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi "Flow"
  • Julio Cortazar "Todos los fuegos el fuego"
  • Evan Imber-Black, Janine Roberts "Rituals for our Times"
  • Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi "Finding Flow"
  • Michael Jacoby Brown "Building Powerful Community Organizations"
  • Susan Hendrick, Clyde Hendrick "Liking, Loving & Relating"
  • Patti Feuerstein "Invisible Girls"
  • George A. Fraser "The Dilemma of Ritual Abuse"
  • Barry L. Duncan, Joseph W. Rock "Overcoming Relationship Impasses"
  • Mary Stewart "The Hollow Hills"
  • Robert J. Sternberg "Love is a Story"
  • David Fontana "Aprender meditación zen"
  • Pedro Menchén "Una playa muy lejana"
  • Vicente Ortiz "Hipnoterapia"
  • Alfredo Diez "El lider interior"
  • James M. Jaranson, Michael K. Popkin "Caring for Victims of Torture"
  • Agustin San Jaime "Primeros auxilios"
  • Laura L. Smith & Charles H. Elliott "Depresión para dummies"
  • Ingemar Svantesson "Mapas de aprendizaje y técnicas de memorización"
  • James Redfield "The Secret of Shambhala"
  • James Redfield "The Celestine Vision"
  • Michael Newton "Life Between Lives"
  • Kate Distin "Gifted Children"
  • N.J. Mackintosh "IQ and Human Intelligence"
  • F.E. Halliday "A Concise History of England"
  • "Comer sano para vivir mejor"
  • Dan Brown "Angels and Demons"
  • Mary Stewart "The Crystal Cave"
  • "Décadas de moda"
  • Ray Sahelian, Victoria Dolby Toews "Gripe y resfriados: cómo prevenirlos y curarlos"
  • Julia Glass "Three Junes"
  • "The Poetry Anthology 1912-2002"
  • Harriet Worsley "De Blanco"
  • Sophie Milenovich "Kimonos"
  • "111 secretos sobre la historia de la masoneria"
  • Dion Fortune "Through the Gates of Death"
  • Dion Fortune "Los Ordenes esotericos y su trabajo"
  • Albert Ellis, Catherine MacLaren "Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: A Therapist's Guide"
  • Dion Fortune "Amor y sexo segun el ocultismo"
  • Brian Weiss "Muchas vidas, muchos maestros"
  • Christopher Jacq "La masoneria"