I'm so confused. I feel so detached from everyone. Well, with one exception. Which, I suppose, gives me some hope... And one can't say I'm not trying here. Offline, anyway. It seems like the more social I am offline, the less social I am online. These days I can't even seem to have a decent MSN conversation with people, let alone anything like emails, forums, chat rooms... I just can't hold the attention, it doesn't feel real any more at all. Online communication can only have my attention if it's relevant to "real life". Which imposes pretty big limitations on the kind of people I get to interact with.
Maybe I'll feel better when I get to the international linguistics olympiad... which I'll be off to tomorrow, btw. Yep, 5-6 days of (hopefully) getting to meet a bunch of interesting young people from all over... um, Eastern Europe mainly, though with some exceptions like Holland, Spain and a couple of others. It's unlikely that the international philosophy olympiad "miracle meetings" will repeat, but at least there'll be new people, action, excitement. I'm not sure if I actually want to get very emotionally attached to anyone I might meet there, last time that happened, it didn't end too well... or, now that I think about it, such things not ending well is the usual state of affairs... but I think I'm actually starting to understand the concept of "I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all" on this level.
I guess it's like, I know I've got personal issues with this, but - as that one person I do feel things about goes to show - it's not that I'm incapable of experiencing connectedness. Maybe it's just that for developing that, there needs to be some sort of harmony, similarity, resonance that goes beyond the everyday surface. If not to the core, then at least deep enough to feel personal. It's hard to form strong emotional attachments with people who are so obviously "walking a different path". I don't want to be lonely, I'm rather sick and tired of it really. But I can't give up who I am in the hope that maybe, just maybe, that would somehow improve the situation a little.
I suppose I've managed to start annoying anyone who actually reads what I write here. What can I say... it's an important issue for me. These days, it feels like the single most important issue a lot of the time really. So I think about it relatively much. And therefore write about it.
Anyway, I guess this will be the last time I write here before the olympiad. So hopefully I'll be back with something new and interesting to say after that.
Run Wire Behind Baseboard
3 months ago