Sunday, January 27, 2008


Have you ever thought about what 'being a weird person' really means? Some people believe they're really different from others... and others believe the same about those people. Often it is as if there's an insurmountable obstacle on the way to communication and mutual understanding. But the differences are so small really, compared to how much is similar. We find it so difficult to relate to other people because of tiny details in their behaviour, interests etc compared to those of ours. Tiny details. In the big picture, we're all just... human. Few - if any - of us are really different in any significant way for anyone outside our own culture, community. Species. We take ourselves to be the measure of all things. But we are not. The people who talk about saving the planet... have you ever thought about how it really only means saving ourselves? (Which, being homo sapiens sapiens myself, I still regard as quite an important task...) And the gods of mankind with their human desires and emotions... angels that look like people with wings... humanoid aliens and ascended masters that seem to talk through every medium of the new age community these days. We are not the centre of the Universe. We're just particles of the ever-changing mystery of oneness. And we don't even have a clue about all the possible ways of existence that are out there.

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