Friday, June 26, 2009

You know how people always talk about borrowing things from other cultures as though it's a bad thing? Well, I just started wondering right now. Is it really a bad thing? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Now, as I can see, this blog has quite a few readers (from quite a few countries). So why don't you comment on this one? Whoever you happen to be, I'd be interested in reading your thoughts.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Thought I could write something here again. I've had so much going on this month and yet perhaps it's even been too much for me to write about it here. Now I've had some days of quiet life in Pärnu, and the thought of blogging seems attractive once again. It's funny how I seem to write here more when there's less happening in my life. I suppose that's when I have more time to do it.

It's good right now, being here and just doing little everyday things. After the miraculously amazing past two weeks I thought I'd be really frustrated to sit in one place with little happening, but this feels perfectly right the way it is. I've started reading Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now", and for once I seem to have spent more time with the practice than the theory. Being in the moment, noticing the little things, appreciating the little things. Seeing beauty in everything. It's amazing how everything can really be beautiful.

Yes, you really are where you need to be at any point in time. Whether it be silence or turbulence. When things were happening, it felt right. Now this peaceful state also feels right. Maybe soon something else will come along. For now, it's just amazing to rediscover something like home comfort. To realise that there really is a place that I can call home, and that word has a real meaning. Not perhaps the Great Spiritual Meaning that I seem to be always searching for, but a meaning nonetheless, and a very valuable one. And I think for once I feel I can actually appreciate the Earth element. Comfort, stability, abundance. Fertile soil that green living plants grow out of. Everything feels just right, from talking with mum to sitting in the garden and feeling as though I were an organic part of it. It might just be a moment's thing, and probably will be so, but I think it's a necessary moment.

Life can flow smoothly when you move with it.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Hea on vahel kuulda ja kasutada seda sõna sellises tähenduses, mis sellel minu jaoks on. Tähenduses, mis pole kuidagi seotud seksuaalsuse ja on igat pidi seotud spirituaalsusega. Spirituaalsusega jällegi minu tähenduses muidugi.

Jah. Elu on hea. :)

Inspiratsioon! Nii palju, et tõuse või lendu.

Jah, minu "sukelduda ja lennata". Nüüd ma vist saan jälle. See kord vist rohkem südame kui mõistusega. Hinge ja vaimuga igal juhul.


Monday, June 15, 2009


I seem to be living a life of wonders. Things are moving, experiences I've long wished to have are happening to me. There is so much to say that it's too much for writing in a blog. Maybe one of these days. Right now I just want to say thank you to Life that has brought me here. :)

Monday, June 8, 2009


See nädalavahetus oli midagi kaunist. Ma võiksin siia praegu palju sõnu ritta panna, aga hetkel vast piisab sellest... aitäh, aitäh, aitäh.


P.S. Seiklusfilmi sissejuhatus jätkub ja areneb.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Kui elu oleks film, siis minu omas toimuks vist mingi suure seikluse sissejuhatus.

Mis iseenesest võib ka täitsa paika pidada, arvestades mu tulevikuplaane. Aga mõned momendid panevad sellele filmivõrdlusele kuidagi eriliselt mõtlema.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tunded ja taoline

Ja mõelda, kui palju võib mõjuda üks telefonikõne. Üks väike MSN-i vestlus. Mõte võimalusest või võimaluse puudumisest. Kui palju valu võib tekitada loobumine üheainsa põgusa kohtumise võimalusest. Kui palju õnne võib tekitada teadmine, et ühe teise kohtumisega see võimalus täiesti olemas on.

Kui tähtis - tahad seda või mitte - võib olla üks inimene.

Monday, June 1, 2009


I've been a bit obsessed with usefulness. The idea that there's some great goal towards which I should be working. And working is exactly the word - working, not playing. After all, you can't go through life just having fun, right? You definitely can't do anything productive that way. Productivity implies a bit of routine, a bit of dullness perhaps. You're supposed to learn to enjoy those things.

I wonder if that's true though. Maybe the truly memorable lessons you receive while you're having fun, through having fun. Through the things you do because you enjoy them, through experiences you have because they're something exciting and new. Through doing things the way that works for you, rather than letting some old idea of how things "should" be rule over you.

Now that I have more energy to do things again, I realised I'm feeling quite bored a lot of the time. The activities that were great in winter aren't quite enough right now.

But no worries, I have a mind and I know how to use it. ;-)

Though as I seem to be having difficulties writing coherent text, it's probably time to go and get some sleep...


Teen seda vahetevahel. Ja siis? Kas elu oleks range realismi raames mõttekam ja meeldivam? Didn't think so.

Aga teie kõik Tartu inimesed, kes te seda blogi loete: kui teil on juhtumisi huvi mind veel näha enne mu aastast eemalolekut, andke endast lähema 2 nädala jooksul teada. Umbes nii kaua peaksin ma veel linnas viibima.